Mature Life Features

Cecil Scaglione, Editor

Posts Tagged ‘#politicians

Politicians . . .

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. . . keep running for re-election because

they can’t make a living

under the laws and regulations they established.

Written by Cecil Scaglione

January 1, 2024 at 7:52 pm

Posted in Humor / Quote

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Overheard The Woman . . .

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. . . at a nearby table today,

tell her meal mate

that she ran into her ex-husband on her morning shopping trip,

Then she backed up and ran into him again.

Aging Politicians Ignore

Aging Population

While there have been loud voices bemoaning the fact that we’re not paying enough attention to climate change, there isn’t even a whimper about what’s happening to our population change. It’s paradoxical that the greying heads in government are paying little attention to the graying of their constituents.

The voters’ rolls are aging at the rate of 10,000 over-65ers every day. You’d think that all those silver-haired politicians would be looking hard at how to accommodate the needs of folks who are growing old just as they are. Even the aging talking heads on television seem ignorant of what’s concerning a growing segment of their viewers.

The apparent reasoning for this blindness to a massive problem is the mantra that 70 is the new 50. And the spreading myth that age is simply a state of mind. Several studies topple this trend in thinking by supporting what we’ve always known – ailing and aching increase as you get older.

No matter how Pollyannaish we may feel, our odds of falling victim to such widespread debilitations as Alzheimer’s disease increase the longer we live. While health-care is high on the list of promises by those seeking votes, the focus usually is on the young who have inadequate coverage rather than the elderly who cannot care for themselves.

Another major concern is the strength and stability of Social Security. Predictors tell us there will be about two workers supporting each recipient by the early 2030s. This was not in any forecasts when there were more than 45 workers for each recipient of benefits when the program was instituted back in the 1930s.

Written by Cecil Scaglione

October 1, 2022 at 3:00 am